- Pack Ports in the form of Packman 60RP to be placed at finishing/packing stations.
- Pack Ports are for identification, checks and grouping textile items. Pack Ports automatically check for item type and customer match, alerting the operator in case of errors and print the label to facilitate dispatch automation.
- Pack Ports check for individual tag integrity in smaller batches but check-in capability to pack higher quantities (filling carts without packaging/bundling) is also available.
- Pack Ports can also manage items without tags, creating bundle labels in manual mode. Users select the customer and item type from a dropdown menu and types in the quantity manually to print the label.
- Pack Ports automatically recognize the operator via their RFID employee card. All labels include the operator ID for easy identification in case of a loss or quantity complaint.
- Pack Ports monitor wash counts and alert the operator when designated limits are reached or exceeded. Alerts for discarded, rewashed and retired items are available.
- Pack Ports can include a Sorting Module enable sorting garments per person. For sorting operations, numbered laundry hanger or shelving unit is required.
- 60S – Impinj R700 reader and All-in-one PC – Windows OS
- 60RP – Impinj reader module – Touchscreen – Embedded single board computer – Linux OS